Three Situations When Not to Have Ginger


Ginger is a common ingredient that is used as spices in different types of food preparation in various countries. It is quite popular in several Asian dishes. Although ginger is quite famous for its various health benefits, but certain circumstances demands avoiding this spice. You should always avoid ginger in these sorts of circumstances!!!

Ginger is truly an amazing spice that cures a number of diseases. It mitigates problems associated with arthritis, nausea, cramps, migraine (headache), hemorrhoids, diarrhea, menstruation, constipation, belching, gas, cough, poor circulation. It also increases immunity and develops proper circulation, reduces the chances of blood lumps formation, heart problems, controls diabetes, cholesterol, prevents cancerous growth, remove body toxins etc.

Due to its ability to prevent a number of diseases, including the most serious and the difficult ones, ginger are often considered as a Universal remedy.

Due to its effective antiseptic property, ginger has got significant medical applications from age old days. Although having several advantages, it is always advisable to remember that ginger is not desirable for all health disorders and it is not recommended for every person. Here is presented a list of conditions when you need to stay away from this spice:


1. Pregnancy

Due to its strong stimuli ginger may cause premature childbirth. Therefore, it is always advisable for pregnant women to avoid ginger, particularly during advanced stages of pregnancy.


2. People who desire for weight gain

Ginger is quite ideal for those who wish to burn some fat. On the contrary, ginger doesn’t fit well to those who desire to put on some weight. It has a tendency to decrease the appetite, thereby stimulates the course of dissolving fat. If you really wish to add on some weight, try to stay away from ginger.
Although ginger improves blood circulation yet it is not advisable for individuals having blood related problems, for instance hemophilia.


3. People under medications for diabetes and blood pressure control

You should always avoid ginger if you are under medication to control diabetes or blood pressure.


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