How to treat headache with common home remedies

We all suffer from mild to severe headaches at some point of our life and it is quite a common problem. About 47% of the world population have suffered from headache last year. This disease is common irrespective of gender and age. People having migraine (take place due to enlargement of blood vessels) experience severe headache and often find it very difficult to manage. There may be various reasons for your headache including depression. There are medications available, but they are not free from side effects and health hazards. Fortunately, there are many effective home remedies to treat mild to severe headaches including migraines. Read on to know about the home remedies for your headaches that you may have in your home already.

Home Remedy for Headache: Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil

For both common headaches and migraine, Lavender oil work wonders to your headache. It has a nice smell to freshen you up and it can be applied topically or inhaled. Just add three to four drops of lavender oil to two to three cups of boiling water and inhale the vapor. If you want to apply topically, just do it as it is safe when applied externally and there is no need to dilute it. But, never take it orally.

Home Remedy for Headache: Peppermint Oil

Peppermint Oil

Another soothing home remedy for headache caused by stress and tension is peppermint oil. The vaso dilating and vaso constricting properties of peppermint oil helps in controlling the blood flow in your body. As often the root cause of your headache has been poor blood flow, use of peppermint oil helps to resolve this issue by opening or closing the blood vessels thereby treating your headache. Similarly, it helps in opening up the sinuses and promotes better oxygen supply to the blood. So, you can use peppermint oil if you are suffering from sinus problems.

Home Remedy for Headache: Basil Oil

Basil Oil

Basil oil is a very good home remedy for headaches. Basil, the herb is widely used in pasta and pizza topping due to its strong and good smell. The oil extracted from it can be a very good muscle relaxant and works well on headaches caused by muscle tightening or tension.

Home Remedy for Headache: Through Your Diet

Your Diet

If you are suffering from regular headaches then you may think of changing your diet to avoid headaches and migraine pain. Some common foods we take often results in headache and migraine pain. These may include chocolates, banana, meats containing nitrates, avocado, peanut butter, dairy products, citrus fruits, foods with MSG or monosodium glutamate and tyramine, red wine, pickled or fermented foods, etc. All these foods will not cause headache to every person, so you have to monitor properly to see whether taking any such food is resulting to your headache problem. Once identified, just avoid those foods to have less headache problems.

Home Remedy for Headache: Do it yourself (DIY) Scalp Massage

Scalp Massage

It is really a very effective means of easing out migraine pain and you may feel great after the massage. According to Brazilian researchers, migraine pain can be reduced substantially by massaging the base of the skull at the back of your head. Massaging in general also gives good result in any type of headache, especially when applied at the reflex points on your feet or hands known as reflexology.

Home Remedy for Headache: Feverfew


A well known herbal headache treatment is Feverfew that is widely used in fever itself. It became very popular in 1980’s after a study in England shows that 70% of the volunteers felt less migraine pain after taking Feverfew daily. Feverfew with combination of white willow (other herbs used as a home remedy that works similarly to aspirin) works wonderfully well in reducing migraine pain and headache.

Home Remedy for Headache: Flaxseed


Headaches due to inflammation can be controlled by taking flaxseed as whole seed, grounded or oil. It has reached in omega 3 fatty acids that reduces inflammation, thus giving relief from headaches caused by it.

Home Remedy for Headache: Buckwheat


Buckwheat contains a flavonoid (phytochemicals present in plants having antioxidant properties, giving cells the required fighting ability against damaging substances) called routine. This helps in controlling inflammation, thus treating headaches caused by inflammation. So, next time when you will have a headache, try these home remedies and see the results.


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