How to cope with different types of flu including Swine Flue

The fear about the deadly swine flu is growing immensely among people in recent times. Here are some information regarding what should be done to stay away from this fatal virus.

To begin with, apply your common sense to deal with the flu. If possible try to avoid coming close to infected patients. Always keep in mind about the fact that it is better to be offensive to effectively fight against a flu virus.

Given below are some of the do's and don'ts towards protection against the flu virus.

Some do’s to cope with Flu Virus
  • Always wash hands every now and then
  • Add enough orange juice to your diet to enhance your immunity 
  • Try to be in shape 
  • If possible try to stay away from public places 
  • Try to wipe off the handle of the shopping cart with Clorox wipes 
Some don'ts to cope with Flu Virus
  • Move around with infected patients 
  • Stroke your face with hands 
  • Maintain poor hygienic conditions
  • Unnecessarily go to public places 
Even the most cautious person can get infected. Then, what should be done if you start feeling sick?
  1. Immediately look for medical attention!!! Only 48 hours is there from the commencement of symptoms for any flu treatment to truly help you. 
  2. Always stay at home as you get well so that others do not get infected from you
  3. Drink lots of liquid
What should be done following recovery from the flu?

There are certain measures that can be taken subsequent to recovery from flu to avoid getting infected again.
  • Dispose off your old toothbrush and use a new one! 
  • Entire house should be disinfected 
  • The bed sheets and other clothes must be thoroughly cleaned 
  • Toilet, kitchens must be sanitized 
  • Clean every bit of a thing as much as possible.
By means of these tips getting infected with a flu virus can be avoided, but even if you do get flu there are steps that can be taken to get well and defend yourself from falling sick.

If you have any questions regarding any type of flue, just leave a comment and I will be happy to answer you.


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