Five essential facts about your favorite soda drinks

facts about your favorite soda drinks

After water, soda is the most commonly consumed beverages in the modern world. Most people are concerned about the health effect of the sugary part of soda, and tend to go for the sugar less one. But, in reality, soda itself poses a threat to your health as it can produce several adverse effects. So, let us have a closer look at the happenings in your body after you take a sip of your favorite soda beverage.

facts about your favorite soda drinks

The moment soda enters your system; pancreas gets notified and starts creating insulin as a response to the sugar present in it. The hormone insulin actually helps to move the sugar from foods after digestion to the bloodstreams. This sugar present in bloodstreams is then taken up by the cells to suffice their energy needs through utilization of the sugar. Thus, the blood sugar level gets heightened within 20 minutes of consuming soda and as the body does not need that much energy at that moment; liver turns the excess sugar in the blood stream into fat to store energy.

facts about your favorite soda drinks

In case of caffeinated soda drinks, the caffeine gets absorbed within 45 minutes of intake resulting in higher blood pressure and dilated pupils. This further prompts your body to generate more amount of dopamine that in turn stimulates your brain’s pleasure center. This effect is similar to that of cocaine in a low degree. 

facts about your favorite soda drinks

This is your body’s situation when you have the first soda drink. Just imagine the effect when you then decide to have the second (or any other sugar rich snacks or sweets). That will result in a blood sugar crash in your body. This has direct connection to obesity and each soda drink you consume will increase your chance of getting obese by 1.6 times.

facts about your favorite soda drinks

Furthermore, having a soda drink every day will increase your risk of getting a heart attack by 20%. The use of corn syrup (contains high amount of fructose) instead of cane sugar (corn sugar is cheaper) that creates metabolic syndrome leading to various heart diseases and diabetes.

facts about your favorite soda drinks

These hard facts are well known to the beverage companies producing soda drinks. To counter that they really spend a lot of money ($3.2 billion in the USA alone) in marketing soda drinks to tempt the customers having the soda. Soda drinks are extremely bad for your little kids, increasing their chance of developing the type 2 diabetes by 80%. Many children become regular soda taker (due to some addiction) making them future candidates for asthma, kidney failures, osteoporosis, dissolved the tooth enamel and with reproductive issues.

facts about your favorite soda drinks


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